7 Days of "Les Miserables", Day 1: The Original London Cast Recording (1985)

    For the first day of my previously announced "7 Days of Les Mis", I will be starting at the very beginning: The Original London Cast Recording.

   I think that the Original London Cast Recording of "Les Miserables" is so fun to listen too. Why shouldn't it be? The cast is phenomenal and it is really cool to listen to the original English version of this show. If you are a die hard fan like me, you will notice some different lyrics and orchestrations here and there.

      Colm Wilkinson, as we all know is the original Jean Valjean in both the original London and Broadway casts. Wilkonson gives a great vocal performance as Jean Valjean. He has a very beautiful voice. But to me, he sounds a bit like a senior citizen, but that's just how Colm Wilkinson sounds in general. Overall, his best number as Jean Valjean was naturally "Bring Him Home".

Colm Wilinson as Jean Valjean
   As the antagonist, Javert, Roger Allam has a great voice, but nothing really stands out about his musical performance as Javert, I feel like I need to see a video of his performance to give him a proper review.

  I am sorry, but Wilkinson and Allam's performance of the famous "Confrontation" between the two leads, is the least thrilling rendition of that song, that I know of. In this recording "The Confrontation" has an extremely slow tempo and I personally do not like the way their voices sound together.

   In the Original London Cast, the role Fantine is played by the legendary Patti LuPone. LuPone's rendition of "I Dreamed a Dream" (my favorite song and probably the most well known song in the show) is extraordinary. Her voice just has so much power and emotion. In my opinion, I think Patti LuPone gives one of the best performances as Fantine that I have seen so far.

   I absolutely LOVE Alun Armstrong and Susan J. Tanner as the Thenardiers. They just have such Thenardier like voices, especially Tanner. Tanner's voice is just so screechy (in the best way possible).

 In this recording, I thought the song "Red and Black" was funny. Not that it was bad or anything, its just that all of the students were riffing and for whatver reason, I thought it was so funny. Awesome performances from Michael Ball (Marius) and David Burt (Enjorlas). Ball gives a stunning performance of "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables".

   I need to get something off my chest, I cannot stand Frances Ruffelle as Eponine. In my opinion, her voice is just so obnoxious and irritating. Probably my least favorite in the role.

  The bland role of Cosette, was played by Rebecca Caine. There really isn't much to say about her. There really isn't much to say about a lot of people who have played Cosette. She has a nice voice. That's about it.
(Left to Right) Frances Ruffelle (Eponine), Susan J. Tanner (Madame Thenarider), Patti LuPone (Fantine), Colm Wilkinson (Jean Valjean), and Rebecca Caine (Cosette)

    In this cast recording, it is really cool to hear lyrics that have been changed, orchestrations that are no longer used, and songs that are no longer there. For example, the songs "I Saw Him Once" and the full version of "Little People" are no longer in the show that we see today. Also, all of the songs have a very 80s like sound to them, in a both good way and bad way. I would explain, but it would be to difficult for me to explain. But, after all....it was the 80s.

   This is an amazing cast recording that is a must have for any fan of Les Mis. Everyone sounds awesome (for the most part) and its is just so fun and interesting to listen too. I give it 4 stars out of 5.


Image result for 4 stars out of 5

(in order of appearance)
Young Cosette- ZOE HART
Madame Thenardier- SUSAN JANE TANNER
Gaveroche- IAN TUCKER
Enjorlas- DAVID BURT



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