Local Review: "RENT" at EPCC (spoilers incuded)

      On Thursday night, I attended the opening night performance of "RENT" at EPCC. "RENT" is an emotional roller coaster with the most heartbreaking second act in the history of second acts. I have many things to say about this production, so I will begin with the cast.

    Jonathon Contreras played the role of Mark Cohen. He has a very strong voice and it is clear why he was chosen this role. He has a clear and unbroken voice. It wasn't fair to Charles Kolodgy who was playing Roger Davis because Contreras out sang him throughout the entire show. At some points I couldn't understand what Kolodgy was saying while he was singing. Contreras often out acted him very much.

   Camille Acosta played the role of Mimi. Acosta was the strongest, as well as the best singer and actor in the entire show. She commanded the stage with her interpretation of Mimi. There were points in the show where I began to watch her over the other people onstage. This production of "RENT" kind of turned into "Camille Acosta: The Musical"

     Sean P. Diaz played the role of Tom Collins. I honestly can't remember much about his performance other than that I didn't feel like he had very much chemistry with the person playing Angel...and that could ruin the entire show.

    Doris Velez and Eurydice Saucedo played the roles of Maureen Johnson and Joanne Jefferson. Both of them were exceptional actors but they had very soft singing voices. They didn't have very much energy either. I was actually bored during "Take Me or Leave Me". Velez acted like a toddler throughout the entire show which was very strange.

 Luis Porras played the role of Benjamin Coffin. He was also a very well actor and was well developed in his role. The only song of his that I can remember is "You'll See" because it was the best song in this production aside from Mimi's number. He also had an excellent stage presence.

                                 The role of Angel was played by Joaquin Castaneda.
The entire audience anticipated Angel's death so we wouldn't have to hear his terrible singing voice again. Mimi probably went away from the light because she was scared she was gonna hear him sing. He wasn't the strongest actor either. I was so relieved when his character died.

    The ensemble was great but they had more people than what they needed. There were people who were onstage for literally a few seconds. You probably need no more than 10 people in the ensemble of "RENT"

  They had a very good looking set along with great lighting and sound. The blocking had some issues but its just issues that only I, Justin Hogue would care about. For example, I hated how the support group was on the second level on the set. That bothered me. I couldn't really see the video at the end of the show either. The song "Contact" was scary and I wasn't sure if that was the goal or not. The show also went at a very slow pace. The plot of "RENT" can be found hard to follow for people who are unfamiliar with it.

     Overall, I give the show a 3 and a half out of 5. If you can you should go see it. You won't be too disappointed. And hey, maybe you'll get the understudy for Angel (if there is one)

"RENT" (Book, Music, and Lyrics by Jonathon Larson)
runs at the Forum Theatre at the EPCC Transmountain campus.
February 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28 @ 8:00 PM
February 22 and March 1 @ 2:30 PM

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